Together, we are experiencing unprecedented times, and the COVID-19 situation is changing our daily life rapidly. The coronavirus began in Wuhan, China but has reached the United States and overall 180+ countries.

The effects of the pandemic are being felt around the world. While most individuals will recover without complications, the disease has caused multiple deaths around the world. Kindly check the real time tracker below.

COVID-19 can spread from person to person. It is essential we take proper care of ourselves and our loved ones during these times.
Here we have an infographic listing CDC recommended precautionary measures that will keep you away from contracting this infection.

As we navigate these uncharted waters as a global community, the health of our colleagues, coworkers and their families are our #1 priority. We want you to know that first and foremost, we are thinking of you and your families' well-being. Taking care of yourselves, and each other is what is most important right now.

The following Website will help you with additional information on the Precautions, Symptoms and ‘To Do’ to fight this invisible enemy.

You can also track the global and US pandemic cases through the John Hopkins Tracker Website